Wednesday, August 3, 2011

on mismatched & jumbled thoughts

 I keep thinking about the beach
I want to go hiking and play outside 
I want to play with my camera & take pictures
I was blessed to have lunch with a friend - over my lunch hour while at work.
It was amazing. Many people have friends that they work near & eat with them over lunch 
or co-workers to share that with. 
I don't - which is fine because I typically spend my lunch hours catching up
on personal correspondence, losing myself in my google reader or 
catching up on facebook. 
But Monday I had lunch with a friend - it was wonderful.
Makes me feel like a real live grown up {grin}

I really like JP
{from the bachelorette}
Work threw a huge BBQ for clients
so tired & drained afterwards which is ironic
I use to throw events & run around crazy {but calm} for 5 years
Buying coffee in the morning before work.
Also makes me feel like a real live grown up.
recently I have been reading books 
it feels nice to read books vs. something {blogs} on a computer screen constantly
it always amazes me how good I can feel in the morning if I go to bed on time
I do not like the "F" word
I will like fall when fall comes 
but until then - enjoy summer
live in the moment instead of wishing it away

1 comment:

  1. I really like JP too :) If Ashley changes her mind, I will be ready and waiting! ha ha ha
