The beautiful Minnehaha Falls. I think everyone in the greater Twin Cities area has seen pictures of this falls. The Minnehaha Park is consist of 193 acres, and the falls is 53 feet with beautiful limestone bluffs all over. When K and I visited we mainly walked down to the base of the falls and back up. But I would love to go back at some point and walk all around. It looks like in the summer they have bicycle rentals, how fun would that be?

K & I in front of the falls

I love the look of stone bridges over a little stream or brook.
Unfortunately we could not walk farther down past the bridge as it was sectioned off.
Maybe I will venture back to the falls when it has frozen, just imagine how beautiful that would be!
frozen is pretty...I have only seen pictures. My sister-in-law(not to name names :) is from Minniehaha area and she has some great photos.