Sunday, July 18, 2010

Semi-Homemade Flatbread Pizza

I've been craving a really great flat bread pizza for a while now. But in the summer months I always live by the moto of oven-less cooking. My craving for pizza still would not diminish despite ignoring it something fierce and then I ran across this recipe from Best Bites for a flat bread pizza. It sounded so tasty! That post totally gave me the inspiration to make my own, I did add my own little twists and come up with my own takes but the recipe was so yummy!

Best Bites had also suggested using Naan as your flatbread as an alternative, I was all for that since I had been wanting an excuse to buy naan for a while now. I caramelized some onions, sliced a tomato, and whipped up some homemade pesto as my sauce of choice, but I'm sure that the alfredo used on Best Bites pizza would have tasted just as good. I sprinkled some parmesan cheese on and a bit of feta from my own fridge and threw it in the over.

Chicken would have been great on it, and mushrooms... oh mushrooms would have been fantastic. But it was wonderful just the way I made it. Simply scrumptious! Thanks Best Bites for the wonderful inspiration!


  1. OOOH! This looks DEEEELISH! (minus the 'shrooms of course!) :) I think I will have to try this recipe, too.

  2. It looks GREAT!!!!
    I'm planning to move alone to an short term apartment, so I think this recipes will be very usefull for me... there isn't going to be any mummy to be cooking for me
    thanks for sharing :)
